Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Eagles seen along the Oromocto River.

I am usually lucky each morning to sight an Eagle or two along our river.  It is at this time of year when activity picks up at this location,  At this location in the river are some rapids or falls which have become known as the Gaspereau Falls.  Gaspereau are fish ( sometimes called Alewives)that return upstream in this river to spawn.  These spawning fish have been spending their time in the ocean.  During their upstream journey the Gaspereau encounter the rapids or falls in the river here.  They struggle, swim or jump  out of the river to overcome these falls.  Also at this location are waiting gulls  looking for a feast of Gaspereau.  Also gathered at this location are Osprey, Cormorants and Common Mergansers.  and Eagles.  When the Gaspereau run begins there is often a lot of activity to be seen in the river at this
location.  Almost every day I can find an Eagle perched in the trees along the river.

Today when I went to the river early in the morning I found an eagle perched in a tree as I was expecting.  However the eagle did not stay there long as a Crow soon came along and started chasing the eagle.  Midway during the chase the Eagle did a slight turnabout in mid air and it looked like he was yelling at the crow.  we can imagine what the Eagle might be saying.. Like  " Get the H... out of here and LEAVE me alone!"  However the chase continued until the eagle found another safe haven in the branches of another tree.

More adventures along the river will continue tomorrow!


  1. Great photos of the eagle. That crow was rather brave taking on a bird twice it's size and strength. I've had good intentions to get out and see the running of the Gaspereau every spring and still haven't.

  2. Pamela, I don't think the gaspereau are running yet. I will mention it on my blog when they are running. If you do come out to this area and you would like a guide I would enjoy meeting you and showing you around. The falls are very pretty at this time of year and also there is an art park at the falls location. There are lots of things to photograph around there.
    Thank you for your comment. Me Ann
