Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Clearwing Hummingbird Moth

The 'clearwing' significance of its name is emphasized in these photos of a Clearwing Hummingbird Moth   that was seen feeding on a yellow Devil's Paintbrush.  The Transparency of the Moth's wings allowed the  beautiful yellow of this wildflower to show through as you can see by the pictures included below.
 I think this little moth is delightful and such a pleasure to look at!

Have a wonderful rainy, Father's Day everyone!


  1. Good morning, Awesome sighting of the Clearwing! They are beautiful. Great shots. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  2. Beautiful shots! I captured one recently too at the Lobelia and didn't realize it had clear wings. When I went back to the photos I can see the blue through the wings. I've never captured one up close before as they move so fast.

  3. Great shots of this little cutie.
