Saturday, June 06, 2015

A Mama Fox nearby for Saturday Critters

Yesterday morning I had decided to check out the walking trails in a nearby woods.  However I changed my mind when I heard loud barking and an adult fox appear from close by and she ended up on the pathway leading into the woods and the walking trails.  I now know where she probably has her babies from seeing the location she came bounding from.  She has been through our dooryard on two different occasions that we have seen her crossing through it.  Our cat is very mystified why we won't let him outdoors recently.  We are wary that he might experience a hungry fox encounter. Below are some photos from my fox sighting yesterday morning.
I am linking this morning with Eileen 's viewing nature for Saturday Critters found at:
Have a great day everyone!


  1. The fox photos are so cute! I know they can be trouble though! I hope your kitty stays safe. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  2. How amazing! It's so hard to get photos of elusive animals like this. What a sighting! Happy weekend.

  3. Nice pics of the fox! Maybe you'll see the family trotting through the yard soon. I didn't get out to the Junction for the running of the Gaspereau again this year. ;(

  4. You managed to captured the Fox very well

  5. What a beautiful animal! Probably a good idea to keep kitty inside until the babies are out of the den and mama isn't so protective. I hope you get to see the babies!

  6. Ah, lovely photos! I love Foxes, there's just something about them that I find lovely. - Tasha

  7. Wonderful shots of a handsome fox. Love them! Sorry the poor cat has to stay indoors when he's around.

  8. What a great opportunity! I hope I get to take pictures of a fox in the wild someday. And I hope they turn out as well as yours have!
