Saturday, October 03, 2015

American Dagger Moth Caterpillar for Saturday Critters

I haven't seen many caterpillars this past spring or summer so I was delighted yesterday to see this yellow fuzzy caterpillar near by my doorstep, however I am glad that I didn't pick it up!  Apparently this American Dagger Moth Caterpillar  has toxins in those black spikes rising out of its back, so beware and wary!! Don't touch!!! Look at the picture below and you can see its black spikes!
As well as being toxic it is also very attractive and picturesque lying among the  colourful leaves that have  already fallen from the trees in our yard, so you can just enjoy its beauty without touching it.
I am linking today to Viewing nature with Eileen who hosts the weekly meme, Saturday Critters which can be found at:
Thank you Eileen for your weekly hosting.  It is much appreciated.