Monday, March 14, 2016

Common Mergansers

And the beauty just keeps on coming.  I hadn't seen anything very remarkable and spring like today except for a large flighty flock of CCommon Grackles.  So this evening I decided to check out an old Fox location where I had found young Fox kits last summer.  There was no sign of foxes but as I gazed at the river flowing  I saw a beautiful white shape floating by followed by a darker shape, so I took several pictures .( when in doubt, just keep on clicking.) Although it was at quite a distance  I was hoping I might be able to identify something when I downloaded my pictures.  And yes I could!  I saw a pair of Common Mergansers in the river just below the railroad bridge.
 The white male with its red bill and dark green head was easily identifiable and the female followed behind the male with her outstanding flamboyant hair do!
Even at quite a distance the male Common Merganser was identifiable.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, The Common Mergansers are pretty. The male is gorgeous. Great sighting and captures. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!
