Thursday, March 10, 2016

I found some Returned Ducks this Morning!

"OhHappy Day."  waking this morning to a mild temperature of +08 degrees Celsius I thought, "Yes , this is the day I find a returned duck"!
And I did!, Not one, but two! 
I found a Male Hooded Merganser(left) and a male Goldeneye(right)
I saw the Goldeneye first and I was quite surprised as I don't often find Goldeneyes this early .  I had assumed my first duck sighting would be a male Hooded Merganser and as I scanned the river below the bridge I was standing on, I saw that there was a male Hooded Merganser in the water beside the Goldeneye.  This was a very uplifting experience!
male Hooded Merganser(above)
The male goldeneye( see above) is a handsome duck. It has a yellow(golden) eye, thus its name and on each side of its black head is a white polka dot

Its still 10 days until the official beginning of spring but today has been very spring like and enriching.  Today I have spread cracked corn on the ground beside my duck decoys, but it is still perhaps a bit early for Mallards flying overhead, as it is Mallards that I expect to see landing among my decoys if any ducks stop by there to feed.


  1. The Hooded Mergansers are one of my favorites. Lol, I have so many favorites. The Goldeneye would be a new duck for me.
    Great sightings! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. These are both very attractive ducks.
