Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A Painted Turtle and Coltsfoot

I love to find turtles in the early spring.  We have a pond area where I can often find a sunning Painted turtle resting on a rock, shoreline or extended branch leading into the water.  I found one such sighting earlier this week and was delighted to identify it as a beautiful Painted Turtle!
Also notable this week was my finding many Coltsfoot
wildflowers in bloom in our yard.  Coltsfoot is the first wildflower to bloom in our area.  Last evening I also saw many Dandelions in bloom at the foundation of our general store.  and although I haven't looked yet but I am confident I would find many Mayflowers in bloom today if and when I look.  I guess those will be photo topics for later this week or weekend.  This is such a beautiful sunny day I think I will go searching for Mayflowers after I hang my wash out on the clothesline.  Its a wonderful drying day!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I like the turtle and the wildflower is pretty. Have a happy day!
