Saturday, July 09, 2016

Camera Critters at the Milkweed Patch

One of my favourite places at this time of year is to visit a milkweed Patch.  A variety of flying creatures can be found there, and each day the group visiting there may change. 
Just the  other day I found one of my favourite warblers there.  A male Common Yellowthroat, but because of its black mask like feature  over its eyes We have nicknamed this warbler;
The Lone Ranger- bird

The main reason why I am enticed to a Milkweed patch is in the hopes that I might see a Monarch butterfly; and for sure I often see many Cabbage White butterflies there as shown below. there and also often Swallowtail butterflies, shown below, can be found there,
y there. I have seen no Monarchs there lately. A Milkweed Patch can also be quite buggy, with creatures such as this fellow which takes its name from this location.  This Red and Black Milkweed Beetle ( see below) is often present along with other bugs, bees and wasps.
 Other winged creatures around a Milkweed patch are often dragonflies, Sorry I didn't take the time to id this one.
I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday Camera Critters if I'm not too late for the link

1 comment:

  1. Hello, great post. I like the Lone Ranger bird. The butterflies are pretty and I love the dragonfly shot.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!
