Sunday, February 26, 2017

Finally Snow Buntings

I have  been looking and watching for Snow Buntings all winter and it has been only this week that I have seen a small flock of Snow buntings twice.  When you see a white swirling uplifting from the roadside drifting over a snowy field , you can be quite sure that Yes, you have found Snow Buntings, such as was my experience on Friday.  It was not possible to get a photo mid-air but as the birds landed on a tree and perched on its branches. I was fortunate in being able to document my sighting!


  1. I think it's a good shot!! You're like me, there are just some birds that I always look for at certain times and isn't the same unless there's a sighting of them! For me, it's the Eastern Phoebe, which is due to return to my corner of the world in the next few weeks.

  2. Hello, the Snow Buntings are beautiful. I missed them this winter.
    Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
