Saturday, June 24, 2017

Snapping Turtles for saturday Critters

June is the month to see snapping Turtles laying their eggs.  This scene is becoming quite repetitive for me. 
These snappers are not a new story; however I keep on seeing them!  This morning I saw two snapping turtles
laying on top of the nests they had dug., June is a busy month for these ancient ladies laying their turtle eggs.  In about 90 days  from now it becomes a challenge to try to see the baby turtles emerging from their sandy nests. It is an awesome event!!! Hopefully sometime in September I will be able to post pictures of baby turtles for you.
I am linking today with Saturday Critters at
Hope everyone has a fine weekend and mentioning ancient ladies I am becoming one while celebrating my birthday tomorrow but I will still be in my 70's for another year or so.


  1. Hello, I love the turtles. Awesome closeup shots. It will be neat to see the baby turtles. Happy Birthday to you! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Love your header and those turtles shots are great ~ thanks, ^_^
