Friday, June 16, 2017

White-tailed Deer in the River

I got out early this morning around 7 a.m and drove to a frequent location: to an observation deck overlooking the river,  I was hoping to see  an osprey, eagles, maybe a Kingfisher or , maybe a Snapping Turtle laying eggs as this area is a popular spot for turtles laying their eggs. 
But as soon as I stepped upon the deck I saw a White-tailed deer in the river below.  I silently prayed for the deer to stay put while I raised my camera and luckily  I was able to get one picture of it in the water before it bounded away!
After seeing me the deer walked to the shore  and leapt away into the surrounding vegetation and bushes which cover the shore there.

As soon as it touched upon the shore it leap away in leaps and bounds...
All is well, the deer now has firm footing on the shore and it disappeared into the surrounding vegetation.  I see this deer here often and perhaps I shall post of it again another day.  If you like to see four footed mammals I have pictures to share with you tomorrow of two moose that we saw yesterday.  A great day to everyone!
Safe, All is well!


  1. Hello, pretty series on the deer. They are kind of shy! Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. Nice pictures! You were there just at the right time.
