Saturday, July 29, 2017

Duck with five ducklings for Saturday Critters

Above are five baby ducks following an adult duck into the reeds.  The adult is in the reeds to the upper far right.
These two little  yellow-headed ducklings  were more independent straggling on their own. I hadn't expected to see ducklings at this time of year, thinking it was too late to find baby ducks but I was wrong.  
I am not too sure of the species of the adult ducks but I am thinking Gadwell or Pintail?

Above is the adult duck leading the babies into the reeds. notice the sharp tail of it. Pintail?
Looking carefully you can see a slight orange colour to the bill of this duck.  a Gadwell has  orange  on its lower bill and below is a closeup of the orange on its bill.
But whatever the species they were they were a welcome delightful sighting as it has been awhile since I have seen ducks!  I am connecting today with Eileen at Saturday Critters found at:
Have a wonderful sunny Saturday everyone! 


  1. Hello, the ducklings are so cute. Can the ducks have more than one brood in a season? Wonderful photos.

    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Wonderful photos of the ducklings ~ so serene and gentle ~ ^_^

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^
