Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Early Morning along the River for Our World Tuesday

I went out at 6 a.m. this morning, hoping to see a few deer.  However no deer so I headed to an observation post along the river  and  I was able to capture the sunrise .
and some early morning fog lifting from the river.
I also watched an eagle fly upriver to land and perch in a tree.

Also a distant sandpiper wandering around on some rocks in the river, it was  too distant for an exact id, but it was probably a spotted sandpiper.
And lastly a prize sighting for the morning as I love to see Kingfishers.
Yes, one landed on a rock in the river before travelling further upstream.  Its going to be a lovely day, not too hot, just right if I can trust the weather forecast to be accurate and it usually is.  Hopefully I will see some butterflies today, and |I suspect we have a Red-bellied Sapsucker around our yard and maybe I will get to see it today!
For the first time , I have decided to link with Our World Tuesday which can be found at:http://ourworldtuesdaymeme.blogspot.ca/

1 comment:

  1. Hello, wonderful sightings. I love the eagle and kingfishers. The sunrise and foggy scenes are pretty. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!
