Saturday, December 02, 2017

Wild Turkeys for Saturday Critters

Yesterday I was able to add a bird species to my life list.  Wild Turkeys were seen in my community. I had never seen Wild Turkeys before!  There were 5 of them all moving along
 together!  It was a lovely sighting!
When they left the property where we were viewing them, they walked along in a group on a path through a wooded area there!

I am linking today to viewing nature with


  1. Hello, congrats on your wild turkey lifer. It is cool seeing the 5 of them together. Great photos. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. They are not the prettiest bird, but there is something endearing about turkeys. They are common in Montana, and yet I never tire of seeing them. Glad you can add this to your list!

  3. Very nice! They are fun to watch, from afar.

  4. Congrats on seeing the turkeys! We had some in the neighborhood this year, too, but I didn't get any photos.
