Saturday, April 07, 2018

A Turkey Vulture for Camera Critters

It isn't often that I have an opportunity to view a Turkey Vulture up close, however on Thursday of this week while driving along the highway I saw a large bird land in a driveway.  Being very curious as to what it was I shed the traffic behind me and turned and went back to look at the bird.  The large bird was still there and with my 300mm zoom lens I could see the red head and face.  I knew it was a Turkey Vulture. 
I had never had such a close-up view like that before.I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday's Critters
!which can be found at


  1. Hello, great closeups of the Turkey Vulture. They are cool looking birds.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  2. Vultures get a bad rap, but they are necessary. Nice shots!

  3. Not too pretty on close-up, but I appreciate the important role they play in the environment!
