Sunday, June 03, 2018

Sunning Painted Turtles

It is my delight these recent sunny days is to find Painted Turtles sunning themselves , often on islands.of Earth or mounds of grass.  their shiny domes really standout  with the sun reflecting from them 
seen above are six painted turtles on grassy mounds.  Look very carefully to the lower left of the picture and you will be able to detect three turtles there.

This picture above shows four Painted turtles.  I was so very pleased to see a small turtle included in the group.  They come in all sized.!

This Painted turtle chose a different sort of location. It had chosen to climb up midway on a brush pile.

.For others an island of earth is the preferred choice.  aTt first I only saw the turtle on the island but when editing this I saw the second turtle on the left... so move over and make room for two!.
This one coming out of the water has yet  to chose and settle into sunny location, but no matter where, I know its purpose will be to lie soaking up the heat of the sun.  Its another sunny day so I think I will go out with my camera and find some more turtles sunning themselves.  I know they will be out there!


  1. Hello, it is neat seeing the turtles out in the sunshine. Great series!

    Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

  2. Great photos1 There are so many turtles. It must be wonderful watching them.
