Saturday, December 01, 2018

Pine Siskin for Saturday Critters

By just  finding a little touch of yellow on those tiny finch cousins and I know, “Yes, It is a Pine Siskin.With the news that an expected influx of winter finches are expected in my area I am constantly on the lookout for some of the dear little one of this bird family. I am very hopeful that as winter truly sets in , I might have a few little redpoll visitors as I haven’tseen  any of them for  the last few years or so.
I am posting today on Eileen’s Saturday Critters, which can be found at
Have a wonderful first day of December everyone.


  1. Nice to have Siskins and I share your wish for Redpolls this winter.

  2. Hello,

    Cute shot of the Siskin. I am glad you are seeing them there too. I have had a couple of Pine Siskins show up too. I would love to see the Redpoll here.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend.

  3. Good photo
    A bird identification book is on my list.

  4. Hello! Beautiful photo and beautiful bird.

  5. What pretty feathers. We see them here in Florida...but not lately! I love the tiny birds! Happy weekend!

  6. It's very nice looking Siskin. I hope more arrive for you this winter.

  7. Lovely! I haven't seen any pine siskins yet at our new home. Never saw too many at the old place but occasionally in the winter time.
