Saturday, June 06, 2020

A Mourning Dove for Saturday Critters

We have a beautiful Ornamental Crabapple Tree near Bird Alley and its very beautiful in its blooming this year.I clicked this picture of a Mourmimg Dove posing with the Crabapple in the background.
Although I didn't have many exciting sightings this week.  I did see a Belted Kingfisher near a favourite pond.  I usually see a Kingisher there every spring but this year it did not seem to be around!. However I was so very pleased to see one on the power lines above the shores of the pond this week
I am posting today to Eileen's viewing nature with Eileen's Saturday Critters meme which can be found at;



  1. The Kingfisher is a very good sighting! We see them fly sometimes but it's hard to find where they light. Love the dove and that pretty background! Hugs!

  2. Hello,

    The mourning doves are so cute and the Kingfisher is always great to see. The crabapple blooms are pretty. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend.

  3. Your birds are great to see! They are so different from the ones I see here in New Zealand!

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  4. Hello. Congratulations on seeing the kingfisher. Great photos.
    Take care!

  5. Neat photos. The kingfisher is a funny lloking bird, always brings a smile.

  6. Great shot of the Kingfisher. Never easy birds to get a picture of.
