Saturday, June 20, 2020

Merganser Ducklings for Saturday Critters

We have had a wonderful week finding ducklings.  These Merganser Ducklings seem to be quite advanced in age as is seems that they have already learned how to fish!
mergansers are fish eaters and fish is their main food. The next picture shows another lucky catch!The duckling on the far right has   has a fish in its bill!
This Merganser Mama has 14 ducklings!  What a busy time she must have!  we were hoping to see all of her ducklings out in the open water and the next day we did!

I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday critters meme which can be found at


  1. Hello,

    Wonderful sighting of the Merganser family, 14 chicks is a lot.
    They are all so cute! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  2. Your photos are wonderful! It's so nice to see somewhat unusual ducks; there are too many mallards in the world.

    be well... mae at

  3. How cute are they!!! And great that you could go back and get more pics. They really make you smile first thing in the morning! Their cute little wild 'hair' on top of their heads!

  4. These are impressive photos of this Merganser Ducklings family!
    Have a nice weekend, greetings Elke

  5. Hello.
    Wonderful sighting. I like Mergansers.
    Some Merganser females adopt/steal ducklings from other females, establishing large broods.
