Saturday, July 25, 2020

An unusual coloured frog for Saturday Critters.

 We saw an unusual coloured frog yesterday morning at the Fredericton Botanic Gardens. "It has rare colouring -- it is missing the yellow pigment in its skin. It is a minty greenish/turquoise colour . Its expanding chin/neck is white instead of yellow.  Its like it has reverse xanthochroism.."
This last picture shows a regular looking frog,  seen at the same pond, displaying its yellow chin.

I am posting this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at

Another hot day is scheduled for today.  Have a warm, safe weekend folks. Stay healthy out there everyone!


  1. Hello,

    It is different looking, great frog sighting. They usually are shy and disappear quickly when I see them. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day,wishing you a happy weekend!

  2. Well I never! You must have wondered when you saw it. It's like it's taken on the color of a metal 'fake' frog! How neat to see and photograph!

  3. Awesome frog shots, but fell in love with your header photo. Beautiful! Happy Saturday!

  4. Hello. Interesting post. Great photos.
