Saturday, December 26, 2020

White breasted Nuthatch for Saturday Critters.

 The day after a very wet, windy, rainy Christmas day and the bird feed in the bird feeders must be very soaked but that does not deter a group of chickadees from feeding there. Also present there was  a female Cardinal which does not appear very often but I did not get its picture!   and of course the Bluejays have also shown up.

However the prize sighting for me today was a White-breasted Nuthatch, which has been dropping by to feed quite often . but I have not been able to capture its picture until this morning that is!

I am posting this morning to 

Yesterday morning a White- breasted Nuthatch... and this morning a Red-breasted Nuthatch!  ta daa!


  1. Hello,

    We had a rainy day on Christmas Eve too. I hope you had a happy Christmas Day. I love the cute Chickadee and the Nuthatch. Great captures. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Also, thank you for all your links this past year. I wish you all the best in 2021, a very happy and healthy NEW YEAR! Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  2. What pretty birds! The cold has plunged down here but we'll be in the 50s today so I hope we can get out for a walk! holiday hugs!

  3. Great photos! I love watching nuthatches, though I haven't seen any around here this year yet!

  4. Nice photo!
    It is a good reminder of what they look like. Around her in Vermont city wise, I haven't seen any as yet.

  5. i love watching the nuthatches. i don't see them often, and only in the winter. nice images!!!
