Friday, August 25, 2006

Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroica coronata)

I hadn't seen many warblers this spring with the exception of a Common Yellowthroat that nests nearby each year. However recently there have been a lot of warblers around the trees in our feeder area and our gardens and within the last few weeks we have noticed Redstarts, Yellow Warblers, Common Yellowthroats, and a Black and White Warbler.
I had only seen one Yellow-rumped Warbler this spring, in May, perched on a bridge by a stream several miles away.
Yesterday we saw an juvenile Yellow-rumped Warbler in a wooded area along our river. It was high in the tree tops busily flitting about eating insects. Other years we have often seen Yellow-rumps here but this one, seen yesterday, was the first sighting for us at this location this season.

The yellow area on the sides of the breast of the juvenile is not as prominent as that of the adult bird.

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