Sunday, February 08, 2009

Wing Prints in the Snow

These wing prints are clues left behind in the snow, giving evidence of an untold story. Probably a hawk, after having landed in the snow, gave chase to an escaping prey.

Note: This item is from the archives. It was originally posted in February, 2007. I (Me Ann My Camera's Daughter) will be "Guest blogging" while Ann is in the hospital. She is doing well but does not have computer access (much to her chagrin). I will be reposting some "classics" and maybe occasionally daring to contribute a few photos of my own.


  1. What a fascinating and very beautiful pair of photographs. Thank you for sharing them. I was sorry to hear your Mom is in hospital. Please tell her that Denise in Northern Virginia wishes her a speedy recovery and out of the hospital as soon as she is able. I will miss her and I know how she feels being without her computer. Thank you for filling in while she is away.

  2. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I'll second that - beautiful photos and a bummer about the hospital. Tell your mom Wren said hello and get well soon.

  3. Wow, that's awesome!! It's so great that you have preserved this image in a photograph!

  4. p.s. Glad to hear that Ann is doing well. It's so nice for you to step in and keep us all informed. We do LOVE her daily postings:)

  5. I hope your Mom gets to come home soon. Those pictures are very interesting. Thanks for letting us know what is going on. Helen

  6. So sorry to hear about the hospital time.Give Ann my best wishes,I will remember her in prayer.

  7. What fantastic images! They make my imagination take flight! Hoping for a speedy recovery for Ann. It can't be easy stuck in the hospital without her camera and computer. Iwill miss her. Thanks for filling in while she is gone.

  8. I'm so glad Ann is on the mend. We all miss her. Please tell her Becky wishes her all the best, and hurry back. I love the wing shots. Unique for sure.

  9. She will be missed greatly and I will be praying for her recovery. It's very nice of you to fill in for her :-) That is a fascinating series of photos!

  10. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Oh no..I remember that Ann wasn't feeling well a while back..I am glad that she is doing well..Please send her best wishes from Michelle..

    Your photos are amazing. I have never seen that in the snow here, just the pile of feathers...

  11. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Wishing Ann the very best, hope she is home and comfy soon! Lovey wing photos!!

  12. Thank you everyone for the kind words and best wishes! I will be sure to pass them all along to her.

  13. So sorry to read that Ann is in the hospital. I visit her blog every chance I get...just love her posts! Thanks for taking the time to fill in for her..and tell her another one of her fans says to get well fast!! We would love for you to be "daring" and post a few of your photos and I'm sure we will all promise not to tell! lol! Hope all is going well today!

  14. Hope Ann's recovering well, and not suffering too badly from camera- and PC-related withdrawal symptoms!

  15. Please tell your mother how much I will miss her too, and wish her well. She's the best.

    These photos are fantastic!
    thank you for substituting for her.

  16. Thanks for the kind words and best wishes. I will be sure to pass them all along to her. Riel

  17. Please wish your mom a speedy recovery. I've been away and am only now checking to see how everybody is.
