Saturday, November 03, 2007

Feeder Sightings: Song Sparrow

November becomes a time when my focus shifts from field sightings to those seen daily at our feeders. Living in a rural area within a small community which has a river running through it and wooded areas around it; our feeders see quite a bit of daily activity.
Our November feeder sightings started out really well this year with 13 species at our feeders on the 1st and that was a good count. Yesterday we had 11 species visiting; two Song Sparrows that had not been present the previous day arrived to be added to the November count but the Downy Woodpecker, Robin and Grackles did not show. Today and tomorrow's weather will be influenced by the heavy rains and winds from post-tropical storm Noel which will be passing through our regions this weekend so we shall see how that impacts our bird numbers visiting.
I had kept daily records for the year 2004 and loooking back on those I see that on Nov. 1st of that year we had 9 species on that day, 10 species on the 2nd, and 12 species each day for the 3rd and 4th. We shall see how this month compares with past years as the changing weather conditions progress into the winter months ahead.

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