Sunday, November 18, 2007

male Northern Cardinal

What a very handsome bird and how wonderful it was to see it in our yard today! We do not have Cardinals in our feeder area frequently so it is always an absolutely, delightful surprise to see one. If it were not for the brilliant, eye catching colour of this male red, crested bird ,I perhaps would not have seen it for it stayed close to the undergowth and admid the now-leafless bushes. I only had the one opportunity to capture a photograph of it in a clear area with no brush or branches in front of it. This is only the second sighting of a male Northern Cardinal in our feeder area this fall, and on only one occasion, on Oct. 31st, did I see a female Cardinal visiting. To view the female Northern Cardinal posting please go to:


  1. Marvellous bird - is it a coincidence that both it and the previous subject, the ruffed grouse, have crests....I think we should be told!

  2. Another most beautiful crested bird which is a regular visitor at our feeders is the Blue Jay. Thanks for the mention.

  3. Ah yes, I see. The crests are not to keep the snow from piling up on their heads, then?

  4. Well,the crest certainly looks pointed enough doesn't it? However, fortunately, we still have no snow here.
