Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Red Squirrel

I often neglect to mention this little furry creature, this Red Squirrel, although it is a very frequent visitor to our feeder area. It loves Blackoil Sunflower seeds.


  1. Aw cute - I didn't know you have reds as well as greys and blacks.
    The photo is now my desktop background, and my feet already feel cold.

  2. How nice that this little bundle of energy is appreciated for its not always so here; especially when it hogs the bird food at the feeders. Its entertaining antics are pretty funny sometimes though as its plays, 'King of the Birdfeeders'! In the mornings when the feeders are newly filled it will keep running back and forth from one feeder to another chasing and scattering the alighting birds while they are trying to feed there.

    We have two, or maybe even three, Red Squirrels that are regulars and at times they put on quite a show; jumping and racing and chasing each other from branch to branch and tree to tree.

    I've never seen a Black Squirrel in our province.
