Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sharp-shinned Hawk

This Sharp- shinned Hawk appeared at our feeders twice yesterday. Both times it stayed for quite a while and seemed to be in no hurry to leave, then suddenly; it would give chase to a small bird nearby.

NOTE: When using the SEARCH BLOG option at the top, upper left of this page and typing the word, "Sharp-shinned" in the space provided; 4 previous posts on Sharp-shinned Hawks can be viewed.


  1. I wish my picture had been as good as yours! Wow! Scary looking guy for sure. No wonder the downy freezes up and doesn't move.

  2. This bird seemed quite comfortable with me taking its picture and after taking a few from my window: I went outside and took a few from the street as well. It really helps when your subject is tht cooperative.

  3. Island... I think that this Sharp-shinned is probably visiting our feeders more often than I see it, for our feeder bird numbers have been down recently. Yesterday I had a close encounter with it. As I was refilling our feeders it momentarily touched on a post about 2 feet from me! We were both somewhat surprised.
