Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Portrait of a Gray Squirrel

This Gray Squirrel, shown above, looks really cute, and I know it gets hungry too; but sometimes I wish it wasn't at my bird feeders eating up the bird food. Its only recently that we have had two showing up quite frequently. Most days it is just the little Red Squirrles; which have been visiting our feeder area for most of the winter. The Gray Squirrel is the largest tree squirrel found in New Brunswick. A size comparision of the Red and Gray Squirrel can be seen in the photo above, which shows both squirrel species feeding at our feeders, doubledecker style. This photo of both the Red and Gray Squirrel is one of my favourites and was taken in June, 2007.
A Gray Squirrel


  1. I love the little squirrel popping up out of the feeder:-) I've had 6regular squirrels visiting this winter. The birds would like me to chase them away, but I hate to do that. I only seem to get one kind (Fox Squirrels, I think), although I know there are others around the area.

  2. That one guy is IN the feeder??!! That is out of control. Ha Ha! I like to feed them, but I ration it out to them or they take over. I have some feeders they can get into, and some they can't. If you get serious, I recommend the "Squirrel Buster Plus" by Brome products. (Canadian company). It's a really good squirrel resistant feeder.

  3. I thought the littlest one would be a favourite with viewers...and I think I was right. Happy that you both enjoyed.
