Friday, February 15, 2008

Hungry Deer

They're getting a little more bolder now. This young one didn't even wait until after dark. I saw it coming towards our feeders as I was sitting near the window reading.
Quickly making a request to, "Please bring me my camera!", and trying not to make any distracting movement; I waited and watched.

I took pictures while this White-tailed Deer lunched on the seeds left behind today by the Evening Grosbeaks, Pine Grosbeaks, Blue Jays and Red and Gray Squirrels. I guess there's enough to share with everyone.


  1. The Mourning Dove photos are great. They are very shy in my yard and I only get 1 or 2 at a time. I have never had this many. They sure are pretty in the snow. Although most of your photos are extra romantic to me...with the snow, since we see very little of it.

  2. NatureNut: I would trade a ton of snow for just one day of open fields with snow free walking paths and trails. :-) Glad you enjoyed the pics.

  3. Very bold deer! I would love to see them this close, but guess I'd rather not have them in the yard all the time to nibble my plants. Great pics though!

  4. mary:
    There are a lot of deer around this year; I saw some on three different sightings throughout the day yesterday! None of the others, tho, were as close as this one. And no, no one wants them nibbling in their yard. I think I might have to replace my ornamental Juniper this year...oh well..if they're here, why not take advantage of the moment and take their pictures. :-)

  5. How cute is that?!?!?!? I would be sooooo excited to see this in my yard. We have woods and a stream behind our house and have never seen even one deer walk through, but our neighbors seem to get them. And we're wayyy nicer than our neighbors. ;-) Go figure. Great shots!

  6. Sandpiper: "How cute is that?!"
    I think very cute too; but also cute when they are bounding away across the snowy field back to the woods from where they came from. They are becoming a nuisance now as they are also nibbling on our shrubs a little too much! too often!

  7. They used to do that at our house, too. They even ate evergreen foundation plantings that they supposedly will never touch. We had to replace shrubs more than once, but I just loved having them around. I think I drive my husband crazy sometimes...well, maybe more than just sometimes. ;-)
