Friday, March 14, 2008

Ice Circles

When I stopped at this waterfall yesterday, beside a bridge along highway #101, near Wirral, I found a group of fascinating little icy discs there; floating in the water. I call these small ice circles, ice discs, for lack of a better or more accurate name, for I do not know what they are or how they were formed. I suspect though, that the action of the swiftly moving water of the falls and the foam on the water's surface have something to do with their creation.
So surprised was I at stumbling upon this unexpected phenomena that I did not think to estimate their size at the time. Only after downloading the pictures did I wonder about that. I would guess that their diameter might range somewhere between about 4 or 5 inches, more or less? ?
Below is a short video which I made showing these ice discs moving about on the surface of the water.
Earlier this year, in February, the same sort of icy discs were seen in Connecticut by blogger, Sandpiper. Sandpiper had never seen this ice formation before either and you will find her explanation here as to how they may have been formed. (please scroll down to the third photo on Sandpiper`s post)
You will find a link to Sandpipers Place, as well as links to other great Nature Blogs, located in the righthand column of this page.


  1. It's interesting that we both saw them this winter! They were "pancakes" to me because I was making breakfast at the time and looking out my window when I saw them. These are terrific pictures. Much better than mine which where taken through an upstairs window. I did eventually discover how mine were formed. Funny that we've never noticed them before.

  2. Sandpiper:
    They are pretty amazing aren't they?! I didn't notice them at first when I started taking pictures of the waterfall, but then I saw them! Surprise! I went back to my car for my close up lens to get some closer photos. I think they are beautiful. I wonder how common this phenomena is?

  3. Those truly are amazing! And your photos are wonderful with so many of them floating on the water. It looks like a beautiful place with the little waterfall. The video is neat...watching them whirl and twirl. I've never seen anything like them. They really do look like pancakes...although my pancakes aren't always that perfect :-)

  4. Have you guys tried Googling this? I just tried..Ice discs, ice pancakes, and frazil (after I found that word). Got similar pics on all, but larger. Apparently these happen in the ocean. Your post comes up under "ice discs".

  5. Thank you for the nice reference. I'm so glad you were able to get such good pictures of them.

    I haven't tried a search yet, but I will. I think they're really interesting.

  6. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Those little icy discs are really interesting. I've never seen anyting like that.

  7. Island:
    I find nature so totally fascinating too and these 'ice circles' are a fine example of the unexpected! I was so surprised when I found them! And there were so many! I think that I was so fortunate to have seen them.... and you're right, we are quite a network. so glad that you enjoyed also.

    How nice that you have joined the world of blogging. There is so much of interest to share. Welcome.

  8. Grandpa used to say "I've been to 50 county fairs and a dozen goat ropings and never seen nothing like that".

    Beautiful. Extraordinary. I am old enough that I shouldn't be surprised by anything new in nature, but I often am. I always enjoy your posts, writings, and photography. Troy

  9. texas travelers:
    I'm happy to be able to post a 'before unknown' feature that many of us haven't seen before, and like your Grandpa, isn't it wonderful to stumble upon fascinating surprises that Nauture has been keeping in hiding from many of us.

    I always enjoy visitng your wonderful blog with such richness of photography and diversity of topics. Thank you for your visits to mine.
