Thursday, April 03, 2008

Eagle in Flight

Standing beside a bridge yesterday, hoping to see some ducks in the water below, I reminded myself that nothing would be flying about in such weather as the winds were very strong and I had even felt the push of it while driving. However, when deciding to return to my car I glimpsed an Eagle in the distance.
It became larger in my view as it came closer and then crossed the highway.

I managed to get a few photos before it flew from my sight.

Driving home I saw it again a few kilometers up the road and this time it was lower in the sky and almost directly overhead.

The Eagle having flown from my sight once more, I continued on my drive but when turning a corner and nearing another bridge I saw it again and had one more opportunity for pictures.


  1. Beautiful pictures! And so clear and detailed! How nice of him to keep following you and letting you capture these great shots. Each one is perfect. I like the curve on his wings in that last shot near the is so symetrical it looks like you could fold the picture in half for a perfect match.

  2. mary:
    I like your symetrical observation, I never thought of that but you're right. I like the way its feet are tucked in.

  3. I didn't notice the feet before! That does look neat.

  4. Great job- and what a great opportunity. I also like the feet!

  5. Absolutely beautiful photo series. I think that says it all.

  6. WOW! I'm impressed!! These are fantastic. I noticed the feet right away. Beautiful pictures and what a treat to see an eagle.

  7. It was a treat to see an Eagle, and I think that I was very fortunate to see it three different times.

    Thank you all for your comments; they are much appreciated.

  8. Fabulous eagle pictures! How fortunate for you (and us) that you were in the right place at the right time!

  9. ruthiej:
    Being in the right place at the right time was the key factor for sure.

    Thank you.

  10. Excellent work here.
    Always makes my day when I see captures like these.

  11. Beautiful eagle shots. Found your blog via a comment in OC's. Great find :-)
