Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ring-necked Ducks

This is the sort of setting where I usually find Ring-necked Ducks, in a pond, near a wooded area and seen at a distance. There is one small pond where during other springs I have seen them often, but this year the pond was late in shedding its ice and I have not seen any Ring-necks there yet. The bill of the male Ring-necked Duck is quite distinctive and has a white outline around it. Also distinctive is its lighter coloured sides which are gray and white. The white portion having an appearance of being wedged between its black breast and grayer portion. The female's bill is not as distinctive as the male's but one of its distinguishing features is a white eye ring. These smaller ducks have a compact appearance, measuring about 17 inches in length.

This species stays in our area and later in the season the female can be seen in ponds accompanied by her young.


  1. Nice to know about them, I have never seen such duck in Bangladesh.

  2. Another lovely duck! You must have every duck in the world there...how wonderful for you and for us as you post them :-)

  3. Beautiful and informative post. thanks so much

  4. Great shots, I love taking pics of ducks they tend to stay still for a bit, although your images give off nice movement against the water, very nice post.

  5. Great pictures! They are all really good pictures, and I especially like the next to the last with the golden water. It's beautiful. I really enjoy seeing these ducks, but I don't see them all that often. I love their "painted" beaks. Nice post.

  6. There are more duck species coming, Mary!

    Thanks to all. I find the distinctiveness of each duck species fascinating and enjoy your comments regarding them.
