Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pileated Woodpecker Over the River

Usually difficult to track while in motion, I spied this large woodpecker crossing the river, flying towards me as I sat on the opposite shore.The Pileated Woodpecker is a strong flyer and unaware that he had an audience I was able to watch its 'rowing' motion as it flew over the open water.
Row, row, row..... glide.


  1. Spectacular shots ! I so want to photograph this woodpecker. There are signs that one is nearby and I can hear it, but I have only seen it flying off in the distance. One time it flew overhead as I was walking on one of our trails, but I wasn't quick enough to get any pictures.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. becky:
    I so understand as this is such a magnificent bird and often I only hear its sounds or see it at a distance; but sometimes I am lucky to be in the right place at the right time, and so it the Pileated! Good luck on getting a picture of one also.

  3. Those are wonderful shots to demonstrate the flight. I like the glide shot...unusual to catch that! They are such big woodpeckers that they are startling no matter where you see them!

  4. this is such a great series of pictures!

  5. mary:
    My husband calls them, "Row, row, row your boat", birds because of their flying motion. And yes, they are startling sometimes to see, especially when you are very close up.

    Its always exciting to get a series of shots for then you capture more of the subject's behavious. Glad that you enjoyed.

  6. one of my favorite birds -- what a great capture. I love your blog!

  7. Thank you T.R.; glad that you visited.

  8. These would be great Skywatch photos also! What a treat!

  9. katiesbrids:
    I had considered that when I had posted it today; but love the Snow Geese more. You have a lovely blog and I was pleased to connect with it. Thanks for your comments.

  10. These are spectacular! There is a very elusive Pileated at a place where I walk. I can't even get a glimpse of him, but you seem to get the most wonderful pictures. Amazing flight shots!

  11. sandpiper:
    I often get a few lucky shots and these were some of those lucky ones!

  12. What an extraordinary bird! Good shots at a distance.
