Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Some Nature Gems for Ruby Tuesday

From Nature's jewel box I would like to share with you, on this my first Ruby Tuesday posting, some precious ruby coloured photo gems of beauty which I have found. This beautiful dragonfly above, a Calico Pennant, carries the beauty of both colour and design and adorns bogs and ponds and lakes. However if the heart- shaped designs on its abdominal segments are not your choice you may instead prefer the yellow accents on the broad amber basal band of this Band- winged Meadowhawk seen above to the left.You might like to broach consideration of a Ladybug Beetle which comes in a variety of black polka dotted versions, two of which are shown here. There are many different arrangements and groupings of numbers of dots to be found on these compactly designed Ladybugs.
Then again if Ladybugs are not your design choice then there are other options such as beetles with black oval shapes edged with yellowish white on a red background, or perhaps the irregular black shapes on red of this identified beetle walking down a blade of grass would be more to your liking. Whatever your preference there are many gems that nature has in store for your awe and admiration.
To check out other Ruby Tuesday postings, just click here, or click on the ruby on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary for hosting this site.


  1. Wow..what beautiful dragonflies! I haven't seen any red ones and those are great. I like all the ladybugs, too. They are such cute little beetles and helpful, too. I just wish they didn't sometimes sneak into the house in large numbers :-) You are certainly enjoying that macro lens :-) Very nice Ruby Tuesday!

  2. I didn't know Dragonflies were Red. Great post ! I'm going out today in search of something Red.
    Have a super day.

  3. Ann, I love these photos! The dragonfly (not my favorite insect!) is beautiful up close! And the lady bugs (they ARE my favorite insects!) are so interesting. I didn't know there were different varieties! Thank you for joining Ruby Tuesday! :)

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    That first picture is LOVE-ly!

  5. I love the heart shaped spots in the first dragonfly. The Band-winged Meadowhawk (love that name) would fit right in in the Amber Room of St. Catherine's Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia. I didn't know Ladybugs came in different pattens! Wow! Very cool!

  6. mary:
    I thought you would enjoy the dragonflies seeing as you are well on your way to aquiring a very fine collection of dragonfly photos.

    The posting of something 'red' is a fun focus to think about; I am already planning on what to post next week. I'm sure you would enjoy it too.

    the teach:
    I think it is an interesting theme to build posts on; thanks for hosting such a site!

    d daughter:
    Do you know that the very first post I posted included the Calico Pennant?! Glad that you find it

    I think the heart shapes on the Calico Pennant are unbelievable!! And the amber basal strip on the Meadowhawk reminds me of old yellowed cellophane! Both are favourite pictures of mine. The Amber room of St. Catherine's Palace; just the name itself sounds lovely; been there?

  7. Anonymous9:34 PM

    The ladybug..the only B.U.G I like :)
    Beautiful red and black. Happy Ruby Tues!

  8. Good choices for your Ruby Tuesday!

    "Louis" thanks you for visiting San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.

  9. Hpaay Ruby Tuesday to you too, napaboaniya, and thank you for your visit, Louis.

  10. Beautiful pictures! A perfect choice for Ruby Tuesday. You are getting some wonderful detail with your camera.

  11. the ladybugs are amazing, I adore ladybugs :)

  12. Amazing shots with great details.

  13. Oh how lovely! You are such a talented photographer. Loved the ladybug most of all.

    Ruby Tuesdays are a great idea!


  14. Gorgeous photos. I never knew ladybugs had different markings like that.

    Great Ruby Tuesday post.

  15. I've never seen a lady bug with oval markings! Too cool!

  16. Ta-da! I found your ladybug photos. Cool! Love the spots.

    Thanks for coming by and leaving the comment. It was much appreciated! :-)

  17. Great insect photos. Always a favorite of mine.

