Wednesday, June 11, 2008

White on White

white mustard upon
wild white strawberry blossoms
in the meadow sun

You might have to look for a second before you see the Mustard White butterfly upon the Wild Strawberry Blossom.


  1. This is so pretty. How very delicate this picture looks. Good spotting!

  2. I did have to look twice, distracted by the other little friend on the blossom above. Lovely picture.

  3. sandpiper and bobbie:
    When I took this photo I got an instant image of crisp white standing out from its surroundings. This post does not show all of its startling beauty that was; in that instant. Glad that you both enjoy.

    bobbie, I guess the ant does deserve second billing :-)

  4. Lovely! I was busy reading the poem and didn't see the butterfly at first and of course would not have known the name, if you hadn't give it :-) Very beautiful image....hard to capture white on white! I like his grey body. Nice header, too!

  5. You have been very busy showing us the beauty of bugs.. thanks!

  6. mary:
    I know I commented on this once but I guess I did something wrong and it didn't go through. Anyway, I was really pleased with the white butterfly on white, for as you said, white isn't always that easy to get good results with.

    the dragonfly on the header was a find from yesterday. I think it might be a Red-waisted Whiteface; the names ae kind of descriptive don't you think?

    I hope you like bugs for there will a lot of bug photos coming on later posts. My new macro lens arrived this morning and what fun I have been having trying it out! Bugs up close like I've never seen before :-)

  7. Oh wow, this is absolutely beautiful. You are obviously talented in these and what joy it is to see this... stunning!
    Mountain Retreat

  8. sandpiper:
    I think this was a special find and I was only able to get the one photo before the butterfly flew away.

    I guess maybe I should have perhaps given the ant second billing :-)

    Welcome, and glad that you enjoy. I do love finding small treasures in a nearby meadow where I go on a daily walk (when its not raiing)

    I'm glad that you find my place relaxing for that's exactly how I feel too when I'm out wandering around with my camera.

  9. Lovely study in white :-}

  10. kingsdowner:
    This one shot and a quick glance with a click turned out to be very rewarding :-) Glad that you enjoyed.

  11. I have such a hard time taking photos of white flowers. They often get washed out or whatever. You, however have captured so many photos of blossoms beautifully.

  12. Amazing!!!!!! Love the poem too! Is this a bride in springtime?
