Sunday, July 27, 2008

Face to Face: One Single Impression

small garden creatures
peer out from behind tall stalks
bewildered faces
While sitting and pulling weeds in my garden one day last week, I noticed this little skipper very close by. It didn't seem to be concerned about my presence and surprisingly it stayed and seemed to be watching me. And so I said to it, " seems you must want your picture taken..", and I went inside to get my camera. Upon my return it was still there and we had a photo shoot.
These photos are of a Peck's Skipper. Its average size is about 9/16 of an inch. These tiny winged butterfly creatures are known as Skippers; I have read that they are not considered true butterflies. They are very small and their bodies appear proportionally larger to their wings than a true butterfly's does and their wings have an angular appearance to them.
This haiku was created in response to the word, 'faces', which is this week's prompt at One Single Impression. For more poetry on this theme please visit the hosting site.


  1. Excellent

    I like your ku very much.

  2. Charming little guys. I love how you capture them so brilliantly with your camera. Nice compositions: tan against green. With the lovely lavender at the bottom.

  3. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Perfect match between your Haiku and image. The Haiku could easily stand alone as an image in itself. Lovely.

  4. How nice it was of that little Butterfly to wait till you got your camera.Such great pictures. I really like your header too.

  5. I like that Haiku and he certainly does seem to just be watching you as intently as you are watching him.....and very bewildered. It's an unusual angle to photograph something that usually flits off the minute you want to get close! Good job. (you mean you don't carry the camera outside when you do your weeding just in case??)

  6. What a great photo!
    I also enjoyed the haiku very much.

  7. Anonymous11:35 AM

    great photography and a wonderful subject, the haiku's just perfect for these shots, I think the Skipper seem to be looking straight at me, but then again it's hard to tell with those big eyes

  8. I have often wondered what it is like to see as they see. This is wonderful. Thanks.

  9. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Great macro shot! Love it,

  10. Anonymous12:29 PM

    ..bewilderment that leads to such beauty and to u who runs about to capture it for us..many thanks for sharing..

  11. How neat! Yucky bugs, but still very neat photos!

  12. I love this haiku and especially that first photo of him/her peeking out at you. Delightful.

  13. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I like your close up images. Very neat creatures.

  14. Lovely color, cute critters.

  15. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Enjoyed this post, sweet little 'ku and photos - especially the first one, when it loaded up on my screen, we were so close I almost said, Oh pardon me!

  16. I enjoyed the focus on 'small insect faces' in your photo and haiku today. Most unique ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  17. Ann..You write and photograph so beautifully...Amazing what we can see when we are open to the idea.!!!!

  18. That fuzzy big-eyed face does look bewildered. Great haiku and photo op.

  19. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Sweet!! Wonderful picture and haiku!

  20. Great haiku! My 3 year old daughter really liked the whole rest of your blog with the photos of aa the various wildlife. (I can tell your site is going to be a real asset when she gets older-so hang in there!)

  21. It does seem like this little guy is waiting for his photo to be taken. How great that you captured this shot for all of us to enjoy. Well done!

  22. Great close up shots Ann.

  23. Anonymous8:45 AM

    It is so interesting to see where each of us found the faces to write about. I always enjoy your small creature photos.

  24. Your blog is such a delight. I liked going through your posts!

    weed it out

  25. Anonymous10:58 AM

    OMG--I never knew bugs could be so cute!

  26. Goodness knows what they make of the intruding photographer...
    "Paparazzi! Humbug!"

  27. Special shot and superb haiku!

  28. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Delightful! Both your photo and haiku! Makes me wonder which of you was bewildered. Perhaps both?

  29. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Great post from a great blog!

  30. Anonymous8:37 PM

    loved yr ku... as a gardener i so enjoy your photos... the other day i was in the garden weeding and saw a creature that totally freaked me out.. like a stink bug... b/c he was so still and calm as just you spoke... thank you also for the info... amazing photos portraying personalities of the skipper... is he smiling??!!

  31. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I LOVE your images and wonderful haiku. They both celebrate nature.

  32. Well, I like your haiku and your photography. I'm just learning more about moths and butterflies since Doug from Gossemer Tapestry was here.

  33. I LOVED your haiku. So cute.

    You brought back childhood memories, too. I used to quickly pinch the skipper's wings with my hands, look at them, and let them go. I didn't realize at the time that wasn't good for their little wing scales . . .
