Sunday, July 06, 2008

Shuttered Windows: One Single Impression

capturing image
shutters within my camera
close nature's window
These lines and image were created in response to the words, 'through a window', which is this week's prompt at One Single Impression. For more poetry on this theme please visit the hosting site..
Yesterday I chanced upon a female Mallard and her young brood of nine and captured their images through my camera lens, my window on nature.


  1. Absolutely! Great take on the prompt.

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    capturing image_close nature's window
    >just to open many many more..thanks..

  3. Lovely shot - very imaginative!

  4. The perspective of life through a lens is a special one. Beautiful sight here! Thanks...

  5. Your nature images are always super. This poem that captures that instant of darkness when the shutter clicks is absolutely perfect. Thanks.

  6. What a perfect poem and photo for that idea! I love how you did that! It is so fitting for all of us who use our cameras as our window on nature. Super! And the ducks are really cute!

  7. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Love your photo and the poem is a perfect companion! Someday I must learn photoshopping!

  8. Anonymous9:11 AM

    NIce camera, nice lens, nice capture, and a lovely haiku!

  9. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Very nice and so creative. Thank you for sharing this.

  10. breathtakingly beautiful!! all of it!

  11. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Very neat - both poem and picture!

  12. This is such a lovely, peaceful Sunday kind of photo.

  13. Ann, how very inventive! Lovely photo and poem! :)

  14. Wonderful... I tried to convey the same idea only not nearly as well. I love the photo of your camera with the picture in it. Very cleverly done.

  15. Very beautiful. And look at the other shot! Nine? I haven't seen that big a brood in a long time.

  16. Wow..multi-talented...not fair! I love the mallards..those little guys look to be about a month old. Nice habitat for them too. Better than our pond. I guess I will have to learn how to use some of the editing software I have purchased, but don't use...

  17. That is an absolutely wonderful unique picture ! Also I'm wondering if all nine ducklings belong to that Mom.
    What a cool post!

  18. Becky and Gary...mallards have up to 12 and aren't good about taking in orphans. They will peck a duckling that isn't theirs...

  19. Yours is my FAVORITE of all the One Single Impression offerings this week. Now THAT'S a very creative picture. :)

  20. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Shutters within my camera close nature's window reads to me like the opening line (or opening couplet) of a longer poem. Really lovely turn of phrase.

  21. Anonymous9:43 PM

    oh my gosh... that is a forever photo!!!... thank you for opening a whole other world beside the pond...

  22. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Love it!!! Just love it!
