Monday, July 14, 2008

Closeup Views in My Garden: for Ruby Tuesday

Using a macro lens has introduced me to closer, fascinating views in my garden. The photo above shows an intimate view of a pollen laden Tiger Lily and below a beautiful iridescent winged creature explores the terrain of a Rudbeckia blossom.

To check out other Ruby Tuesday postings, just click here, or click on the ruby on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this site.


  1. It's beautiful - isn't it?
    And you did a great job! Cheers, Klaus

  2. Now that is what you call a close up, the wings on the fly look great.

  3. mike:
    Actually I couldn't believe the colours and design when I saw it through the camera lens. The nature world in miniature is very exciting and all of this in my own back yard!

    I think so :-)

  4. Anonymous6:47 PM

    The bug in that second picture is amazing!

  5. Beautiful images. I love the "rainbow" wings in the second picture. Macro is fun!

  6. Anonymous8:18 PM

    That is close indeed! happy ruby tuesday to you...

  7. The Masters creation does indeed provide the most stunning photo opportunities of all. Very nicely done.

  8. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Very creative and beautiful images! Taking close-ups are so much fun!

  9. Macro lenses certainly lead to interesting photos! I tried to photograph a little bug today and couldn't focus on it...frustrating! I don't have a macro lens. Your photos are great as always and I can see you are really enjoying Ruby Tuesdays :-) That lily is gorgeous and reminds me of ruby grapefruit in its color. That little bug almost doesn't look real, its so perfect. Can't believe you got that wing color so great! Wow!

  10. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I love macro shots and you've done beautifully for the pollen shot :)
    Happy Ruby Tuesday!

  11. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Oh wow...that is one really great macro shot!

    My Ruby Tuesday photo can be found HERE.

  12. Beautiful macro shots. That bug is incredible... almost doesn't look real. I've never seen one quite like it... looks sort of part fly, part bee and part beetle (to me). Great photos.

  13. Wow! You really got in close with your camera!

  14. Amazing capture of the details of the wings - love it!

    Tink *~*~*
    My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

  15. Amazing, what we can see when we REALLY look.

  16. What a close up shot! Just amazing. Have a great Tuesday!

  17. The red blossoms of the Tiger Lily adds a lively style to this shot. Awaiting the flowers to arise from the pollen. As are we from our lillies...

  18. Fabulous photos! I really would love to get a new camera! My macro lens is horrible.

  19. If you ever want to ID an insect, you can post an image to BugGuide. Nice folks who love bugs. Ahh have achieved that which I desire..

  20. The pollen is amazing and then when I saw the little critter - it was just plain OH WOW!

  21. Great shots - love the bee!

  22. Gorgeous! Now that's exactly what I want a new lens for - the details are so beautiful.

    Thanks for visiting my Ruby Tuesday (at A Cook's Bounty). I'm going to add you to my list so I can keep up with your photos. :D

  23. Oh how lovely! You are truly a gifted photographer Ann.

    Happy Ruby Tuesday!

  24. They are beautiful photos. I love that flying creature.

  25. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Now, those are macro shots! Wow. The pad of that flower looks like a piece of fabric and that fly... Wow! The body is not only amazing the wings are so colorful too.

    Beautiful shots!

  26. I can't get over the colors on that insect's wings. Gotta love macro!
    Happy Ruby Tuesday.


  27. I love that winged insect. The colors are really different.
