Tuesday, August 19, 2008

E is for Eagle: ABC Wednesday Round #3

What follows is a series of photos of a Bald Eagle. I have decided to show you the last one first, for all the remaining ones are of departing views, of the back end of the bird. However the Bald Eagle's magnificence in flight can be seen with the various positioning of its very powerful wings. David Sibley's book, The Sibley Guide to Birds, lists the wingspan (ws) of a Bald Eagle as being 80 inches; that's over six and a half feet! Just imagine that!
I had sighted this Eagle from a bridge above the river and as soon as I could find a safe place to stop I started taking pictures from the railing above.
As soon as I started shooting it began to lift its great wings for flight.

It landed high in the branches of a tree nearby and the photo of it landing in the tree can be seen at the first of this posting.
The pictures had not turned out as clear as I had hoped so I used a poster edge filter on Photoshop to give the details of its wings more definition.
My appreciation and thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt's Place for hosting ABC Wednesday Round 3. To view more ABC Wednesday posts via Mr. Linky please click HERE. For viewing the new format of ABC Wednesday Round 3 where all posts can be seen in the same place, please click HERE.


  1. Meeting those birds always leaves a lasting impression! Bravo!
    Cheers, Klaus

  2. Even if not as clear as you would like, they are magnificent! It really shows the wings and their power and grace in the movements of the take off. Wonderful to get to see it at all and get any photos! Lovely!

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Beautiful series! I love how you captured the eagle with his wings outstretched. I'm always on the lookout for the Bald Eagles; they are such majestic birds.

  4. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Very nice pictures of the eagle. Great catch. I also caught a few good eagle pictures.

  5. What a wonderful series Ann..

  6. Some great shots of the eagle Ann. They are such a majestic bird, and you are fortunate to be able to photograph them.
    I love your header too of the Redstart..

  7. Drat the tools necessary - the result is what is important. Great!

  8. Terrific series and great photos.

    Nice "E" today.
    Come visit Elfins and Egrets, Click here.

    Troy and Martha

  9. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Oh how cool you got a real eagle! What fabulous photos. Mine are the sculpted variety :0)

  10. WOW!! Awesome photos of a magnificent animal.....how lucky for you to be in the right place at the right time WITH your camera! Thank you so much...these have made my day.

  11. Wow! Wonderful series of photos.

  12. I love bald eagles and have video taped one soaring over the lake but never captured one with my camera.

    I hope to do that some day!

  13. Wouldn't it be EXHILARATING to fly? An EXCELLENT series of shots of the EAGLE. Really enjoyed this. :D

  14. I saw a Bald Eagle on our trip to Florida - very impressive !

    Good photos ...

  15. I was hoping to see some Eagles this week... I like very much how you worked on these.

  16. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Great pictures! Nice capture on the eagle!

    My E picture is now posted, too! You can check it out HERE if you have the time. Thanks!

  17. "Wing Span of over six and a half feet" that is Enormous.
    Your photos are beautiful.

    Bear((( )))

  18. Empressive pictures!!

    Check out my Engine here

  19. You probably know that the Norse interpretation of eagle is Arn(eA)
    Great shots

  20. Spectacular shots - you have a great eye!

    Good choice for the letter E.

    Bodge's Bulletin

  21. A majestic bird and wonderful pictures. Great choice for the letter E.

  22. Eagles are just magnificent, and you have captures this one so well! We have a few nearby, but I have only seen them at a great distance. You are very fortunate.

  23. The glory of wildlife power! Fantastic shots!

  24. Wnoderful! This birds emanates power... Great sequence of photos!

    Kisses from Nydia.

  25. Awesome. These were absolutely spellbinding! Thanks so much for being part of ABC Wednesday.

  26. Anonymous2:23 PM

    just from a graphic point of view, stay away from the edging function in photoshop, it makes ur pictures look unsharp and over defined. try "unsharp mask", in ur sharpen filter option. it works much cleaner and doesnt look as obvious.
