Monday, August 25, 2008

Todays Flowers: Pale Corydalis

I think this is perhaps one of the most beautiful wildflowers that I have found. This photo above is of a Pale Corydalis and was taken a couple of years ago. I have never found this wildflower since although I have returned to the same area and looked for it other summers. It was blooming in a clear cut forest area and I just happened to chance upon it. You can perhaps see an 'opposite' similarity with the pink and yellow colours in this second photo. This Common Evening Primrose blossom has a Primrose Moth resting within it. Each flower photo reminds me of the other.
Thank you to Luiz, of Todays Flowers, for this opportunity to share beautiful flowers with others. For more flower photos please click HERE.


  1. They are indeed very beautiful! Thank you for sharing and Cheers, Klaus!

  2. It doesn't look familiar to me but it's very pretty.

  3. You are right - It is very beautiful! Mother Nature knows what she is doing.

  4. What beautiful color and such an unusual flower! Definitely a winner! I've never seen that flower before.

  5. Wonderful photo, wonderful that you found it, and I'm really impressed that you know its name. Love those pinks and yellows.

  6. That was a colourful one, definiteløy one to go looking for!

  7. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Very beautiful! It's lucky you took these photos when you could.

  8. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Dainty-looking flower. Beautiful photo.


  9. I just got caught up with your blog over a cup of coffee. I love all the photo projects you are participating in, and the new header photo is great. As always, great photos all around!!

  10. I have never seen one of these. To me, they look like pretty pink butterflies fluttering in the breeze. Thanks for sharing!

    If you would like to visit my Todays Flowers, they are here and here.

    PS ... I posted a chrysalis and monarch for my Camera Critters this week - I noticed that you had one in your banner. Aren't they just like jewels?

  11. What a beautiful flower! Great post. Looking forward to more on the monarch.

  12. What a beautiful and dainty flower. I love it's colors.
    Also that Monarch is coming along nicely. It's unbelievable that you can see through the skin. I hope you can be there when it emerges. The one I have in a jar just formed the chrysalis during the night. I'm keeping a watch on it.

  13. What a wonderful capture, the two are really similar. I never realized it was a moth. What beautiful colors are shown.

  14. I commented before you added the second picture. What a terrific match color-wise! I also noticed your new header and the butterfly showing through. That is so fascinating! I've never seen this happen and your camera is catching the action so well! Can't wait to see more!

  15. That yellow and pink is so perfect together - what a beautiful flower!Very well captured.

    I am so impressed with your photo of the butterfly cocoon. I have bookmarked your blog so I can return and check on the progress - wonderful blog.

  16. How gorgeous! I thought the moth's wings were petals. It makes a beautiful flower.

  17. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Love the kind of visual 'pun' you made of the 'reverse corydalis' with the moth and primrose. And the cocoon watch is so exciting!! I do hope you are able to be there for the emerging and unfolding

  18. That moth in the flower is something else. See, it really pays to stop and admire the flowers. :-)

  19. Interesting flowers, same colors in differents position!
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