Sunday, August 10, 2008

Watery Stairway: One Single Impression

stairway of water
headlong rush to falls below
impetuous plunge

When I saw the prompt word was stairways I immediately thought of this beautiful, rugged waterway that I had visited last summer. After hiking for almost an hour we came out of the woodland trail at a higher elevation above the falls. The staggered rockbed there, with the water running down it, reminded me of a stairway.
This haiku was created in response to the word, 'stairways', which is this week's prompt at One Single Impression. For more poetry on this theme please visit the hosting site.


  1. Beautifully done! I can hear the music of the water falling down the stairs.

  2. Your poems are always so perfect, and so are your pictures. I love waterfalls and this is a pretty one. You have lovely scenery all around the area where you live. I'm glad we get to share in seeing it.

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I can see why you thought of this place. Lovely.

  4. Hi Ann, thank you for this nice bit of haiku. I have studied it a little to discover the on, or syllable structure. I think I could do this as I do structure most of my poetry with a (I call it) sing-along syllabic count.
    I love your staired water way, it is the kind I never walk bare-footed. :-)
    Thanks for peeking at my stairs today.

  5. Beautiful!
    Cheers, Klaus

  6. This speaks softly although it might not be so soft after heavy rain.

  7. Does anything sound prettier than water running over rocks? I love 'impetuous plunge'. Just perfect!

  8. Excellant Ann. Without the water it would look like an ancient starway for sure maybe back in the times of the Romans.

  9. Lovely haiku, and beautiful photos. It looks like a place to cherish in memory.

  10. Anonymous12:19 PM

    You haiku really captures the feeling of falling water, even without the photo. The photo is beautiful, too. I've never seen such a natural stair, a water-carved descent like that before. And the air at the top must have been cool and welcome on a summer day.

  11. Looks like a wonderful place to just relax and center yourself.

  12. This is so beautiful. Thank you for starting my Sunday off so happily.

  13. Absolutely wonderful! What a unique take on this prompt. Bravo!!!

  14. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Isn't it lovely how the water never gets hung up on what comes next! Beautiful stairway.

  15. Anonymous8:17 PM

    .."stairway of water
    headlong rush to falls below"..
    ur photographs like ancient scriptures_the imaginative words and images read together unfold hidden meanings..many thanks..

  16. Anonymous10:05 PM

    It does look like a stairway. This looks like my kind of place. :-)

  17. To be able to write poetry that you connect with your great photos. That is a gift Ann..

  18. what a great take on the prompt! the sound of a waterfall is one of my very favorite things

  19. I can almost hear the sound of the falling beautiful!!

  20. Love little waterfalls in the woods. My favorite kind of hikes.

  21. Wow! Love this post!

  22. Ann, a wonderful haiku, wonderful photos!

  23. Came over here from "Nature Center Magaxine" and I really, really like what I see. Wonderful photography of water stairs and fabulous haiku!

    I see a lot similarities between this and "Four Winds Haiga" another one of my favorite nature blogs.

    Thanks so much.
