Monday, September 08, 2008

Blueberry Fields: for Ruby Tuesday

Some viewers might be surprised to see the title word, blueberry, used for a Ruby Tuesday posting but as soon as you see these beautiful 'ruby coloured' fields left behind after the blueberry harvest, I know you'll understand and appreciate their unique beauty as I do.
To check out other Ruby Tuesday postings, just click HERE, or click on the Ruby on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this site.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    wow what beautiful fields of red.

  2. WoW! Who spilled the ketchup?
    Unbelievable. You really had a field day! ;)
    Cheers, Klaus

  3. Stunning colour in these shots.

  4. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Yes, blueberry fields turn RED. I have a photo similar to yours but on a much smaller scale.

  5. Anonymous6:28 PM

    OMG! I want to go there!!! Such amazing beauty! :) Mine is posted HERE! Drop by if you got a chance;)

  6. Stunning. I love that scene. I'm heading out there now. What fabulous color.

  7. Great shot and colors - although the remnants look to be more of raspberry red...Glad there is enough of a growing season in NB - unless it isn't as cold as long as I think in the 'great white north'. The Maritimes look nice all year!

  8. Wonderful contrast between the red of field and the blue in the sky.

    Have a wonderful Ruby Tuesday.

  9. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Oh that is just stunning!!

  10. Very beautiful, to be sure. These shots remind me of the cranberry bogs of Massachusetts.

  11. Ann..that is beautiful and something I haven't ever seen before...

  12. Anonymous9:53 PM

    wonderful! i love the blue and red colors in the pictures ^_~.

  13. I've never seen anything like this in my long life as a blueberry picker.
    In Norway one usually have to search a long mountain sides for the odd tuft.
    Here on can swim, take a dive into the blueberry fields. Amazing!
    From Felisol

  14. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Those really are beautiful fields. I've never seen anything quite like that. Thanks for sharing, and have a good Ruby Tuesday.

  15. wow....I didn't realize that the blueberries left red fields like that. Beautiful! You must get to eat a lot of blueberries with that many around.

  16. Oh my gosh! That is incredible! By the way, I like your new header photo. I just changed mine too. It's fun to keep it fresh!

  17. These photos are so pretty! Amazing to think of what these fields are. Great picks for RT!

  18. Beautiful. We have purple fields on the hills with the heather in flower at this time of year but that is stunning.

  19. I have been fortunate to see these colors in Maine. You have captured them well with images. Enjoyed reading your past posts as well. Blue Skies-K

  20. Anonymous6:57 AM

    WOW! beautiful red field. stunning!

  21. Oh my, I have never seen anything like that. It's beautiful! We used to pick up blueberries in the woods, but there were just patches of them here and there, not fields.

  22. Wow never knew that ---it is sooo beautiful

  23. What a stunning photo. Nature gives us so much to appreciate!

  24. wow! they are awesome!

  25. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Maybe this is a 'stoopit questyun' but is that a commercial enterprise or a fabulous natural occurance? I used to love picking blueberries as a little kid in the Michigan U.P. visiting my grandparents, but we never had acres like this.

  26. Wow, I never knew that blueberries could look so red. Beautiful Shot!

  27. deborah:
    This is a nonpublic/privately owned field and blueberries are harvested there each year. There are a few other large blueberry fields in this area also. We pass by here maybe a couple of times a year and these photos were taken last September. I am assuming they look just the same this year as well.

  28. I had no idea the blueberry harvest left this result. Just beautiful!

  29. Unique beauty indeed!!

    Wonderful photos

  30. Absolutely beautiful! I love the last shot with the sky - well done!

  31. We learn so much through Ruby Tuesday! Wonderful pictures.

  32. That's beautiful! I've never seen this but I do love fields of color and this is definitely a field of color.

  33. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I have never seen a Blueberry field before. That's beautiful one!

  34. Great photos and beautiful. Fall is here.

  35. Anonymous9:14 PM

    What a great field full of flaming crimson.

  36. I didn't know Blueberries looked like this after harvest. Near here after the grapes are harvested the farmers use the discarded skins as fertilizer and some of them turn red too. They put big piles of them in the fields and they smell so good as you drive by.

  37. Wow! These are magnificent photos!

  38. Beautiful fields! Happy Belated Ruby Tuesday
