Friday, September 19, 2008

The Road: for Photo Hunters

the shadow of my car
created by the early evening light
led me home
For more photos on this weeks theme of 'road' just click on Photo Hunter or you many click on the icon in the side bar. My thanks to tnchick for hosting this site. Happy Photo Hunting to all!
This photo was taken in October, 2007


  1. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Oh that's really lovely! Great photo for this week's theme. :)

  2. Anonymous8:57 PM

    That's truly a stunning photo - so very beautiful! Love the shadow on the road. Happy weekend, Annie

  3. I didn't know you do photo hunt as well. Nice road view with all the fall colors. Mine's about the same, come and visit if you have time.

  4. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Unique shot,I guess one could say,extrordinary light.

  5. Very cool photo! And very beautiful.

  6. I love the fall foliage in the background, and I'm really intrigued by that swirly stuff in the foreground (just below the shadow). What is it?

  7. That is triple good! The light, the shadow and the colors! Gorgeous!
    Cheers, Klaus

  8. bonggamom:
    That 'swirly stuff' you see in the foreground is the beige dashboard within the interior of my car. I am taking the picture while sitting at the driver's seat. Hope you enjoyed this. Fall is a most beautiful time of year! This photo was taken in 2007. Thanks for your comment.

  9. Anonymous12:01 AM

    I can feel the warm sun and the crisp air - lovely!

  10. That is perfect for the theme..I had a hard time with this one for some reason...

  11. love the turning colors of fall! great shot!

  12. Autumn...deep shadows...a road off the beaten path...can't be more perfect if you ask me.

    Mine's shared...all about the "Devil" this week. Come see. Have a great weekend, and happy hunting!

  13. The trees and skies are so pretty in this! It is a road that I would want to follow to home :-) I left you a note in my blog today.

  14. Lovely haiku and
    photograph with Fall colors
    a delightful find!

    I’ve shared at Sacred Ruminations this week.
    Hugs and blessings,

  15. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Beautiful :)

  16. The shadow of your car. Pretty neat! And look at that sky and those autumn colors!

  17. great photo, love the shadow!
    view mine if you wish here thanks...

  18. Lovely, cool photo! Wonderful colors and shapes.
