Monday, September 29, 2008

Ruby Tuesday .. the Beauty of Autumn Leaves

The first three photos were taken today and yesterday; the last is an old favourite of mine taken several years ago and was scanned from a 35 mm print. The autumn colours are glorious and I cannot resist taking pictures of them each day!
To check out other Ruby Tuesday postings, just click HERE, or click on the Ruby on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this site.


  1. Wow, what gorgeous fall colors! Our autumn "season" is usually more of an overnight jump from green trees one day (late December) to brown and bare the next. Thanks for sharing such autumnal beauty!

  2. I always enjoy beautiful pictures of trees blazing their fall colors. Thank you for sharing these wonderful shots with us.

  3. WOW!Such color,like someone opened a new box of crayons and tried almost every color.

  4. I want to be there, was my first thought when I saw these photos.
    I thought Norway was a beauty in her automnian colors. She's fading like an old memory compared to these.
    From FElisol

  5. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Simply beautiful! Happy Ruby Tuesday!


  6. Anonymous9:30 PM

    We don't have autumn here, but if we have, it might be my favorite season because i just love how the colors change.

    My Ruby Tuesday entries are now posted in my food blog and photo blog. Hope you can drop by. Thanks!

  7. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Beautiful photos! I love the last one the most. Happy Tuesday! My first entry is up as well!

  8. Very beautiful shots, I think this is why I love fall the most.

  9. Oh my..I love these Ann

  10. Anonymous10:46 PM

    These are gorgeous! I love all the autumn colours. The last photo is very striking!

  11. it.

    Especially that last photo.

  12. Nice scenery! I esp like the last photo.

  13. Oh, wow...those are soooo pretty! Our leaves are turning brown and falling off without color thanks to our drought. It is raining out there right now....yeah!....maybe we will have color eventually. I can see why you love that last shot! What a beauty and the reflection just doubles it!

  14. Fall is my favorite time of the year for this very reason - you have captured the awesome beauty of the season.

    That last one is gorgeous!

  15. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Absolutely gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

  16. Anonymous2:10 AM

    I love these photos, and the scanned one is just breathtaking. You were very lucky to have seen and photographed such a scene. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  17. Wonderful photos!
    Fall is my favorite time of the year and we are still a couple of weeks away from seeing the best colors.
    I know it will be a Ruby Tuesday for me when I can photo the fall colors here.
    Have a great Ruby Tuesday.

  18. Anonymous11:53 AM

    You've captured some really amazing trees, especially that last one. Sometimes autumn so incredibly beautiful, I almost find myself laughing in a Zen kind of way, from the sheer intensity of it!

  19. Very pretty colors! I love this time of year. Our trees aren't as colorful yet, but we will hit peak very soon. Thank You for sharing such lovely photos for Ruby Tuesday!

  20. All beautiful but the reflection in the lake is breath taking!

    It's been so warm and humid here - we're still green

  21. Wow, it really is autumn in your neck of the woods! The maple tree in my backyard is just starting to turn at the top. It won't be long, although its supposed to be in he 80's today. Summer continues...

  22. beautiful shots, especially the last one, I can see why it is our favorite.

  23. These are wonderful. My favorite is the last one with reflection in the water. Just breathtaking :o)

  24. Oh, wow!!! I guess Autums is here. :-) That last photo is absoolutey breathtaking. I've never seen anything like that here in California, not to say that there isn't but I haven't. Wow!

  25. Anonymous2:04 PM

    love them all. love the last frame the most. the reflections on the waters seemed like an artist's brushwork/strokes on canvas!

  26. Holy cow. Your last shot here is just breathtaking. Stunning colors. Great capture :-)

  27. Ohhhhhh Heavens!!! These are gorgeous! I just absolutely LOVE that bottom one! Our leaves haven't changed that much yet... shoot - in MY neighborhood we NEVER get all those colors!!! You're blessed!

  28. Oh my, these are just beautiful. That last one is my favorite. Fall has officially arrived here but not many trees have turned yet, but we're waiting.
