Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Watery Reflections for Watery Wednesday

mirror mirror on the river
tell me true
do you like your autumn colours best
rather than your summer blue?

or do you prefer your winter dress
when you look so nice
wearing winter snow and ice?

I thought these watery reflections fit well for the theme of Watery Wednesday. This photo was taken on October 1st., 2006. My appreciative thanks to 2sweetnsaxy at her Eyes Mind Heart blog for hosting this theme.


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    That's a good idea for a Watery Wednesday photo. (And it's a pretty image.)

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    What a great entry for Watery Wednesday. Those fall colors make for a beautiful water reflection. Just lovely! :-)

  3. Perfect for Watery Wednesday!

    Every time I come to your blog I see that beautiful spider web on your sidebar. Just love it!

  4. These reflections would be brilliant as a painting! Gorgeous pic!

  5. Gorgeous, I agree and I love the poem!

  6. Beautiful reflection. I wonder if the trees are as colourful this year after all the rain NB has had this summer. Ours are still fairly green n Ontario.

  7. That is so beautiful that it really makes me anxious for our fall color to begin! I love the poem, too. I bet the river loves it all :-).....just like we do.

  8. Lets's not talk about snow and ice just yet. I'm waiting for a shot like this in our area.. . Beautiful !
    Happy Wednesday Ann.

  9. Great color reflections!

  10. Anonymous11:44 AM

    hello, new challenge, "yellow"

    bye bye

  11. Love the kingfisher which is why I didn't do one for ABC...Love the colors and poem. I wanted to thank you for your interest in the beak deformities of the little dee. I find it so interesting that they have cut them and that they grow back again.

  12. I can't believe it is October! This picture is VERY beautiful! Hope your day is filled with blessings!

  13. What a magnificent reflection! Your words are wonderful to accompany the image.

  14. Fantastic colours! Really beautiful!

  15. Happy October and what a great WW post to start the month. It is beautiful.

  16. I love reflective images and this one is exceptional. What beautiful colour.

  17. Such a beautiful and colorful reflection! Amazing!

  18. When I look at your picture, with all the beautiful colors, I go Ooooo, ahhhhhh, so pretty. very nice.

  19. Great start to the bird count! Interesting that we all live in different areas, but have similar birds. It will be fun to see who else shows up in our yards.

    Beautiful fall photos!

  20. nw nature nut:
    Yes, I noticed that the little Black-capped Chickadee was making the rounds! Its pouring rain here today, it will be interesting to see if that will make any difference today. You had a good count for the start!

  21. Oh my..beautiful reflections Ann

  22. Great tree colous - not like that here yet - no bright reds
