Saturday, October 25, 2008

Deer Under the Apple Trees: for Camera Critters

The scene of this contented White-tailed Deer resting under the Apple Trees bordering our property is beautiful, however I think part of its contentment has something to do with my empty bird feeders! And I think I know who emptied them!
I was just ready to step out onto our back deck to refill our feeders when glancing out the window, I saw this deer laying on our property under the apple trees. The frost on the grass and leaves really lightens the pictures but that's understandable as it's a really cool morning. My thermometer outside our windows was reading -6 below 0 degrees C. And that's cold!

The deer was not too concerned with my presence standing on the back deck but after a while it stood, looked about taking in its surroundings, then wandered off in an unhurried manner. My major concern in this sort of encounter is that the deer might become alarmed and run towards the road rather than head back to the woods, but this morning it headed in the right direction and wandered off towards the fringe of trees beyond.

My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    That first one is such a sweet picture.

  2. Very lovely photos. You have to love a deer. The frost is really on the pumpkin in your part of the world, isn't it? Not quite that cold here yet.

  3. Beautiful photos. My Sister has deer that come into her yard almost daily, I would love to have this sight.


  4. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Wonderful series, and the frost just makes it look like a fairyland. Love the woodpile, too.

  5. A special treat!Your pictures allow me to share this moment with you,Thanks.
    Your temps are somewhat colder than ours,at least for now.According to the forecaster we are heading for colder weather and maybe snow tonight.

  6. deborah:
    The woodpile belongs to our neighbor as do the apple trees which were planted on the property line. I love the sense of serenity and peacefulness the pictures evoke. It was a wonderful way to start the day.

    Yes, our weather has turned a bit cold and I am just finally admitting out summer has gone, but I do hope the snow will hold off until at least December.

  7. These are the lovliest photos. I do enjoy any with deer and you sure do have a pretty area to show this one. Great share, thank you.

  8. Wonderful photos! What a cold looking morning.

  9. Wow...what gorgeous shots with the frost and deer! I wish I had a friendly deer who would lay down under my trees for me :-) Beautiful! It boggles my mind that you have temps that cold already...and frost.We still have temps in the 50's and 60's.

  10. Anonymous1:30 PM

    What a marvellous sequence - and I really like the mist and frost... to look at.

  11. Ahhhh.... this brings back such memories of our home in Illinois before we moved to Hawaii. Lovely. Thank you for the sweet moment.

  12. Anonymous2:30 PM

    What beautiful images. Few things are as beautiful as a fawn's eye.

  13. Mary:
    Remember in Canada we read temperatures in Celsius, not Fahrenheit. My 0 degrees Celsius is equal to your 32 degrees F. So often in the morning now the temperature has dropped below freezing but throughout the day the temperature rises and we are also enjoying really nice, quite mild fall weather. This afternoon the temperature is at 10 C which is equivalent to 50 F. So like you we still have temps in the 50's and 60's too.

  14. very pretty photos. I keep thinking "bambi"...

  15. This is a sweet picture. She looks so content and the frost just adds to the picture.

  16. Nice series of pictures...they tell the story all by themselves.

  17. These look like paintings Ann. Works of art. So serene and lovely to behold.

  18. That is an amazing picture and wonderful that the deer can feel so relaxed there. Thanks much for sharing. Wow that's pretty cold for October already!

  19. serenity indeed. gorgeous colors sandy

  20. What amazing photos. Old apple trees are the best for encouraging deer to have a rest and a snack.

  21. Cutely, beautifully and very beloved creature !!!

  22. Sweet pictures! He's probably the culprit snacking away.

  23. What a great post! I'd love to have a visitor like yours - what a beauty - my second favorite animal (only next to dogs).

  24. I like seeing deer under apple trees knowing all the apples won't go to waste. She must have her tummy full of seed perhaps.

  25. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Love your deer photos!


  26. I've had some deer at my bird feeders too..I had to move them up higher a bit as they can empty them out in short order..Nice series Ann

  27. How blessed you were to be there to get these pictures. Thanks for sharing

  28. Beautiful photo of the deer and the surrounding is so nice

  29. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Great shots - I can't believe he (or is it a doe?) was just laying there - that's sooo cool!

  30. Anonymous2:31 PM

    What a great series of shots. I really enjoyed this. :-)

  31. Oh my - these are stunningly beautiful! What a great setting! Perfect!
    Cheers, Klaus
