Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

I hope you enjoy my video of Halloween fun


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    We love it! "Again! Again!"

  2. You are so creative! How clever that is! Did you provide the laugh :-) I don't even have a pumpkin out! I used to have a skeleton but it finally fell apart.

  3. Spooky hehehe!
    I'm in Ottawa and am surprised by all the Halloween displays in each garden (albeit under some snow!).
    To Halifax tomorrow,
    Steve Kingsdowner

  4. I love the video! Was that your voice doing the cackling?

  5. mary and nature nut:
    Nope, sorry not my voice but rather a free download from a friendly witch. Glad that you all enjoyed.I could not resist putting a fun video together.

  6. This was great...Have a very Happy Halloween Ann

  7. Anonymous5:09 PM

    That's a real gem!!! Love it!!

  8. I'm working on a story on blogging for the magazine Empty Nest. Empty Nest is put out by a monthly paper called Forever Young that bills itself as Canada's leading publication for today's 50 plus lifestyle.

    I've been randomly looking at various blogs put out by Canadians aimed at or written by people who describe themselves as retired. Your several blogs caught my eye.

    I am interested in what motivated you to start blogging, how much time you put into it, what are the challenges, what are your goals in doing your blogs etc..

    I did a piece for Empty Nest earlier this year on backyard birding - something I know a little about as I work in a bird seed and products store and my son works for Bird Studies Canada at Long Point on Lake Erie.

    However, although I have had my own blog for a couple of years, I must say I'm a neophyte in this realm that you seem so accomplished in.

    I'd appreciate your thoughts for background or to be used in my story.

    Bob Wood

  9. What a great display they carved. Cute video, too. :)

    Hope everyone is having a very Happy Halloween and a Blessed Samhain!

  10. Your daughter and son-in-law are to be congratulated. I love the owl on the far right.

    Your video is a marvel! What a great laugh! Wicked!

  11. Hi! Your daughter and son-in-law are very talented and have a great sense of humor. The pumpkins are great.

    Spooky video. I love the effects. Lisa

  12. Hi. Haven't been here recently and wanted to check in. Love all of these jack o' lanterns. What a great collection.
