Monday, October 13, 2008

A Robin's Feast: for Ruby Tuesday

I saw an American Robin in our feeder area and going to our garden room to tell of its appearance, the Robin turned the corner of the house and landed in the Mountain Ash tree right in front of us; and I immed- iately thought of Ruby Tuesday as I watched it start to eat the red berries! WOW ... wonderful , oh wonderful!
To check out other Ruby Tuesday postings, just click HERE, or click on the Ruby on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this site.


  1. Great colour combination!

  2. Perfect picture,with the berry in mid air.I love the Robin amongst the berries.

  3. WOW - well captured!

  4. Great shots, love the first pic with the berry in mid air.

  5. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Superb shot!


  6. Great Robin & Berries shot.Never knew the Ash had berries though. I live, blog & learn.
    Thank you.
    From Felisol

  7. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Suddenly it's Christmas for the Robin! Nice zoom on the pictures!

    My RT entries are posted here and here. Happy Tuesday!

  8. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Wow, Ann - what a spectacular capture. Bravo! (And Happy Ruby Tuesday.)

  9. I haven't seen a robin in months. Do you belong to the PFW e-mail list? There are some very nice people on it..

  10. The red berries are quite ruby, indeed. Although the breast on this robin has more of a deep ruby color instead of the more usual burnt orange. Maybe its the sky?

  11. Yes, indeed, wonderful, oh wonderful! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

  12. WOW! Nice photo....

    Here's mine:
    Chips and Salsa and
    Shabu-shabu on the go

    Happy Ruby Tuesday!!

  13. QWhat a great catch I love the berry in beak shot

  14. These shots are indeed perfect for a Ruby Tuesday.

  15. 2nd pic: Perfect timing!

  16. You take wonderful outdoor photos! Perhaps you could ocaissonally describe how you take your photos for those of us photographically handicapped! What is the tree the robin is in?

  17. What a capture! Awesome RT!! :D

  18. Wonderful shots. For some reason it reminds me of a year eternities ago when I was in my teens and we had cedar waxwings (rare visitors) who got a touch tipsy on berries from (I think) a "firethorn" bush. Don't know why this beautiful robin shot reminded me of it, but it did.

  19. What a cool shot, it almost looks like a painting.

  20. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Just stunning. I love these photos. Thanks for two great shots. Perfect Ruby Tuesday post.

  21. The first is an enchanting photo and the 2nd looks like a romantic painting of the first one! Beautiful!

  22. Wow! These are gorgeous! To see the robin eating the berries is AWESOME! Great work and Perfect for Ruby Tuesday!!

  23. The robins are crazy for the mountain ash berries this time of year!

  24. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Oh, WoW! These are wonderful - that mid-air berry in the first one is incredible.

  25. Really terrific shots! And what beautiful intense color!

  26. What a great capture! There's even a berry on the run :o)

  27. I like the first shot with the berry in mid air. Great shots.

  28. These are terrific! It's amazing that you captured that first berry in the air away from his mouth! That looks like a good tree to have for feeding birds! Perfect Ruby Tuesday post!

  29. Anonymous10:35 AM

    what a perfect shot!

  30. I LOVE that picture and how you captured it.

  31. Great shot of the berry in mid air!

  32. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Orange and bright red: such a vibrant photo.

  33. What a photograph. I just can't get birds with my camera. Partly, it's my impatience in waiting for them to come to me.

    Thank you for the gorgeous photo.

  34. wow wonderful is right!!

    what a fabulous moment! he looks so pleased with his meal.

  35. Wonderful capture! How did you do it?

    Great photos.

    Happy Ruby Tuesday.

  36. Great shots and definitely plenty of red! I like in the first shot that the berry is suspended in the air in it's beak. :-) Cool!

  37. Anonymous9:26 PM

    These are beautiful! Fantastic photo of the Robin holding the bright red berry in its beak. I'm curious as to how you took the first one - it looks as if the berry is in midair. Are these the berries that the Robins get tipsy on?

  38. april:
    These are Mountain Ash berries in a tree outside my windows. I saw two Robins in the tree and noticed that they were eating the berries. I simply took a burst of pictures whenever I saw them reaching and feeding on the berries. I think the one falling in mid-air was caused when one of the Robins was pulling on one of the berries.

    Glad you enjoyed the photos. I was really pleased when I realized the action that I had caught.

  39. beautiful captures..!

  40. Oh, that is a gorgeous RT! I didnt know Robins ate Mountain Ash berries. I haven't seen Robins in a while, and I assumed they had all flown South.
    Happy RT even though I'm a day late.

  41. Amazing photos (as usual) Ann and what a great offering for Ruby Tuesday.

  42. Wow, beautiful photos, Ann! I love the "action" shot as poor Robin drops his ruby snack.

    Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!


  43. Love that new header! I assume we will see more shots of these birds???

  44. Now that is one lucky Robin...

  45. The Robin is my very favorite bird, very nice photos. I raised a Robin from a broken egg shell, his name was King Arthur, I invite you to my blog site to read his story.

  46. Wow what a stunning photo. Gorgeous shot!! Love it!
