Saturday, November 15, 2008

Blue Jay Portraits: for Camera Critters

I think Blue Jays are magnificent, handsome birds but they are so common around our feeder area that I don't often think to highlight them.

I had been playing around with a recent picture of one I had taken this week, using filters, experimenting with the artistic choices on Photo Shop and I tried the rough pastels option. I liked the results, so much so that I had an urge to search through my art supplies for my oil pastels and make my own creation, sans computer.
Lacking the time, I set aside that idea for another day and instead scanned a watercolour I had painted two years ago of a Blue Jay enjoying a feast of peanuts.
My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.


  1. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The bluest bird around it seems. Nice work.

  2. Very nice Ann. Blue Jays make interesting subjects. They aren't here all summer, but now that winter is fast approaching, they make sure to stop by for some chow. We have so many too, and they do tend to be bullish chasing away most all the other birds.

  3. Blue jays are certainly among the most beautiful of birds. Very nice portrait you have done.

    Jays can be quite a problem at times. When their young leave the nest too soon and are hopping around the ground, Mom and Pop can be over protective.

  4. that top close up is great! they are beautiful and i enjoy watching them.

  5. You are such a wonderful artist! I love that watercolor. I love the bluejay, too, but what you have done with the photos and with paint are spectacular! I'm starting to see several jays now that the weather is cooler. We are finally getting rain...very dreary.

  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

    WOW, you can shoot and draw!! Always great photos here, but I love the watercolor portrait as well. You really caught the personality, and the little details, like the gullet full of peanuts!

  7. I came for Skywatch but these guys caught my eye - a favorite winter subject of mine! Love the painting too.

  8. great post! love all renditions of the bird.

  9. They just don't come any handsomer than a blue jay.

  10. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Beautiful! I love the sounds jays make.

    hanks for sharing.

    I have two participating blogs this weekend!

  11. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Some nice photos here...the second one looks like a smile...not something I usually link with blue jays as they're very aggressive birds. Love your drawing too!

  12. GORGEOUS! You have fantastic talents!

  13. Wonderful blue jay photo's!!
    I have seen a couple from a far in our yard, but never close enough to get a pic.
    Great job!!

  14. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Very nice! I love that photo. The feathers on the back look like a quilt. Beautiful. I like the artistic look of the 2nd one and I'm very impressed with the painting! Makes me want to pick up my colored pencils again.

  15. Anonymous4:01 PM

    They look fantastic and very very beautiful indeed, but do they also behave as bad as the Flemish jay (Garrulus glandarius)who likes to eat some little babybirds in spring BUT also throws out the baby birds of the same nest that he does not eat which is totally unnecessary and what upsets me every time ? Anyway, i can see that he inspires to paint and watercolor is a fantastic means (I would like to learn that too one day)

  16. I wish I could paint like that Ann.. Really nice and I love the jays. I put out some peanuts today and they were very, very happy...

    New site of Rambling Woods

  17. Blue jays may be common but tey make for great posts like this one. Yout watercolour is very nice!

  18. These are just so beautiful. Wonderful watercolour.

  19. You started with a great photo, applied wonderful effects to another, and you do watercolors - excellent!

  20. I love the jays also, they come to the feeder, pick though each peanut, choose the one they want and then fly off to eat it. They they fly back and start all over again. We had one imitate a hawk the other day so all the birds took off and then down he swooped for the best of the peanuts. Clever bird.

  21. Gorgeous shots! Your lens brings out the stark, vibrant blue detail of the feathers! And your watercolour is magical, giving the blue jay so much character!

  22. What wonderful pictures/painting..
    Isn't the Blue Jay a really beautiful bird?..sometimes I forget his beauty.

  23. Beautiful!

    I didn't realize how much I enjoyed blue jays until I moved some place that doesn't have them.

  24. excellent close ups and wow i love the header!!Sandy

  25. Beautiful pictures - first time at your site. I'm especially fond of Blue Jays. While in HS I raised a Blue Jay. Kept him (or her?) alive with mashed boiled egg yolks, applesauce, and canned dog food. He would sleep on my pillow every night. We he got old enough, each morning before school, I would put him out in a tree in my backyard. He would be ecstatic when I would come to get him each afternoon. This went on for months and months. Finally one afternoon - he wasn't waiting for me. I sure hope that he flew off with fellow birds, and had a long and happy life.
    Thanks for bringing back the memories!

  26. I love your watercolor painting! You should show us more of those in the future, you are quite talented.
