Monday, November 24, 2008

Field Sparrow and Chipping Sparrow Update

These little sparrow visitors, a Field Sparrow and a Chipping Sparrow, are still at our feeders today. This marks their seventh day of attendance since their arrival on the 18th.

The ground is still snow covered, since a snowstorm on Saturday, and the temper -atures have been, and remain, below freezing. At the time of this posting it is -12 degrees Celsius. I wonder how much longer these little sparrows will stay?


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    A very bunting-like sparrow. I am sure you will keep your feeders filled.

  2. I'm glad that they have you to feed them! I just can't imagine having those low temps all winter. Brrrrr! I had a new sparrow today, too...Fox!

  3. mary:
    A Fox sparrow, so nice. A couple of sightings of those sparrows were reported around the province here on the weekend.

    And our temperatures actually haven't been too bad except for the past few days. We have a forecast for 8 degrees Celsius on Thursday which is equivalent to your 46 degrees Fahrenheit!! And that will probably take all our snow away. I can't believe the snow some places have had in the States already.

  4. Our chippies stayed around longer this year than last..wonder if it's a trend...

    New Rambling Woods Site

  5. Anonymous5:10 AM

    These are such nice pics. I wonder what the birds around here would do if we ever got snow.

  6. Hi there, I wonder if you can help me identify this little fella, seen in my garden over the last three days along with what looks like a female. It is very small.

    Rob in Lisburn, Northern Ireland.
